Phoenix, AZ | 602-906-1633

 Celebrating Our 26th Year 

Baskets Art

Coyote Placing the Stars, Baskets by Sally Black

Sally Black

Savvy Price $1,100

Gallery Price $1,500

Coiled Polychrome Basket with Turtle Motif, Baskets by Sally Black

Sally Black

Savvy Price $985

Gallery Price $1,350


Long Walk series, Baskets by Peggy Black

Peggy Black

Savvy Price $1,100

Gallery Price $1,500

Navajo Story of Fire Basket, Baskets by Sally Black

Sally Black

Savvy Price $1,500

Gallery Price $1,950

Navajo Basket Featuring Tulip Designs, Baskets by Sally Black

Sally Black

Savvy Price $750

Gallery Price $850

The Long Walk, Baskets by Peggy Black

Peggy Black

Savvy Price $1,100

Gallery Price $1,500

Seri Indian Coiled Basketry Jar, Baskets by Carmelita Burgos

Carmelita Burgos

Savvy Price $350

Gallery Price $500


Polychrome Lidded Coiled Basketry Jar, Baskets by Lonita Cruz

Lonita Cruz

Marked Down $350

Gallery Price $650

14 3/4" Diameter Four Kachina Head Wicker Plaque, Baskets by   Hopi basket

Hopi basket

Savvy Price $985

Gallery Price $1,200

Coiled Hopi Turtle Basketry Plaque, Baskets by   Hopi basket

Hopi basket

Marked Down $300

Gallery Price $850

Wicker Plaque #1, Baskets by   Hopi basket

Hopi basket

Savvy Price $250

Gallery Price $300

Coiled Oval Basketry Tray with Turtle Design, Baskets by   Hopi basket

Hopi basket

Savvy Price $1,100

Gallery Price $1,350

Multi-Colored Hopi Wicker Basket, Baskets by   Hopi basket

Hopi basket

Savvy Price $225

Gallery Price $275

Wicker Plaque Kachina Face Design, Baskets by   Hopi basket

Hopi basket

Savvy Price $275

Gallery Price $350

Wicker Plaque #2, Baskets by   Hopi basket

Hopi basket

Savvy Price $250

Gallery Price $300

Apache Polychrome Burden Basket, Baskets by  Illegible


Savvy Price $110

Gallery Price $150

Knob Lidded Basket with Four Seabirds, Baskets by  Makah Tribe

Makah Tribe

Savvy Price $120

Gallery Price $155

Luiseno Mission Coiled Basket, Baskets by Mission


Savvy Price $1,200

Gallery Price $1,800

Coiled Hopi Basket with a Butterfly Motif, Baskets by Annette  Nasafotie

Annette Nasafotie

Savvy Price $1,850

Gallery Price $2,200

Miniature Pictorial Baskets, Baskets by Tohono O'odham

Tohono O'odham

Marked Down $75

Gallery Price $235

Bleached & Natural Closed Coil Lidded Basketry Jar, Baskets by Tohono O'odham

Tohono O'odham

Marked Down $95

Gallery Price $250

Coiled Banana Yucca Root & Bleached Yucca Tray, Baskets by Tohono O'odham

Tohono O'odham

Marked Down $65

Gallery Price $100

Split Stitch Knob Lidded Basketry Jar, Baskets by Tohono O'odham

Tohono O'odham

Marked Down $55

Gallery Price $85

Lidded Open Coil Basketry Jar with Loop Handle , Baskets by Tohono O'odham

Tohono O'odham

Marked Down $25

Gallery Price $38

Cylindrical Coiled Martynia & Yucca Basket, Baskets by Tohono O'odham

Tohono O'odham

Marked Down $60

Gallery Price $85

Coiled Gap Stitch Olla, Baskets by Pima


Marked Down $150

Gallery Price $285

Elegant Pine Needle Basketry Jar, Baskets by Fran Kraynek-Prince & Neil Prince

Fran Kraynek-Prince & Neil Prince

Savvy Price $250

Gallery Price $350


Western Apache Pictorial Olla, Baskets by Hattie Randall

Hattie Randall

Savvy Price $30,000

Gallery Price $35,000

Mudhead Holding Rattle Basketry Plaque, Baskets by Joyce Ann Saufkie

Joyce Ann Saufkie

Marked Down $685

Gallery Price $1,200

Seri Indian Basketry Jar, Baskets by Seri


Savvy Price $200

Gallery Price $350

Lidded Coiled Zulu Basket Signifying War, Baskets by  South Africa

South Africa

Savvy Price $175

Gallery Price $225

Stepped Electric Orange Decorated Mini Berry Basket , Baskets by  Tlingit


Marked Down $185

Gallery Price $300


Two Tone Brown Stepped Design Mini Basket, Baskets by  Tlingit


Marked Down $250

Gallery Price $385

Two Tone Interlocking Decoration  , Baskets by  Tlingit


Marked Down $300

Gallery Price $475

Coiled Man in the Maze Deep Bowl, Baskets by  Tohono O'Odham

Tohono O'Odham

Savvy Price $135

Gallery Price $200

Five Petal Design Basket in Martynia, Baskets by  Tohono O'Odham

Tohono O'Odham

Savvy Price $155

Gallery Price $225

Coiled Five Petal Basketry Tray, Baskets by  Tohono O'Odham

Tohono O'Odham

Savvy Price $60

Gallery Price $75

Coiled Tray with Three Lobed Design in Checkerboard Martynia, Baskets by  Tohono O'Odham

Tohono O'Odham

Savvy Price $65

Gallery Price $95

Lidded Wheat Stitch Basket, Baskets by  Tohono O'Odham

Tohono O'Odham

Savvy Price $285

Gallery Price $375

Tohono O'odham Oval Figurative Basket, Baskets by Artist Unknown

Artist Unknown

Marked Down $185

Gallery Price $350

14" Navajo Wedding Basket with Corn Meal, Baskets by Artist Unknown

Artist Unknown

Savvy Price $285

Gallery Price $350

Havasupai Twined Basketry Bowl w/ First Place Ribbon, Baskets by Artist Unknown

Artist Unknown

Savvy Price $400

Gallery Price $550

Small Apache Burden Basket, Baskets by Artist Unknown

Artist Unknown

Savvy Price $85

Gallery Price $125

Heavily Decorated Rain Forest Basketry Jar, Baskets by  Wounaan


Savvy Price $625

Gallery Price $700

Complex Panamanian Butterfly Basket, Baskets by  Wounaan


Savvy Price $500

Gallery Price $650

Polychrome Cooking Bowl Rattlesnake Pattern, Baskets by Yokuts


Savvy Price $3,500

Gallery Price $5,200

Polychrome Gap Stitch Cooking Basket with Underworld Pattern, Baskets by Yokuts


Savvy Price $2,200

Gallery Price $3,500

Vintage Lidded Labrador Oval Basket, Baskets by  Yup'ik Eskimo

Yup'ik Eskimo

Marked Down $450

Gallery Price $750

Hooper Bay Alaskan Lidded Basket, Baskets by  Yup'ik Eskimo

Yup'ik Eskimo

Marked Down $120

Gallery Price $200

Yup'ik Basketry Bowl with Chevon Banding, Baskets by  Yup'ik Eskimo

Yup'ik Eskimo

Savvy Price $85

Gallery Price $120

Another Fab Bulawayo Basket, Baskets by  Zimbabwe


Savvy Price $265

Gallery Price $310

Gourd-Shaped Balawayo Basket, Baskets by  Zimbabwe


Savvy Price $275

Gallery Price $315

Striking Coiled Basket with Turquoise Center, Baskets by  Zimbabwe


Savvy Price $35

Gallery Price $50

Coiled Basket with Green Stepped Diamonds, Baskets by  Zimbabwe


Savvy Price $40

Gallery Price $55

Concentric Ring Design Coiled Basket, Baskets by  Zimbabwe


Savvy Price $35

Gallery Price $50

Large Concentric Banded Coiled Basket, Baskets by  Zimbabwe


Savvy Price $65

Gallery Price $85

Three Petal Coiled Basket, Baskets by  Zimbabwe


Savvy Price $45

Gallery Price $60

Bulawayo Wobbly Basket, Baskets by  Zimbabwe


Savvy Price $55

Gallery Price $70

Sumptuous Bulawayo Basket, Baskets by  Zimbabwe


Savvy Price $285

Gallery Price $325