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Coiled Hopi Basket with a Butterfly Motif

Annette Nasafotie

About The Coiled Hopi Basket with a Butterfly Motif

"Special" ribbon parked inside this basket is not signed, nor is a category assigned.


Savvy Price $1,850.00

Gallery Price $2,200.00

Item Location: Phoenix, AZ
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Product Details

"Special" ribbon parked inside this basket is not signed, nor is a category assigned.


About the Artist (Born 1960, Hopi)  Known for her tightly coiled, brightly colored baskets, Annette Nasafotie was schooled in the art of basketmaking by her mother, Rena Talayumptewa and her mother's sisters.
A design characteristic uniquely tied to Nasafotie's work consists of white over black ticking.  

Garland's in Sedona, Arizona has carried the artist's basketry for many years.

Culture American Indian, Hopi, Women Artists
Style Stylization
Medium Bear grass foundation, yucca (dyed, bleached and natural) decoration
Size 9 1/2" height X 9" maximum diameter
Coil count 2 per inch
Stitch count 14 per inch
Date of creation Acquired in July 2007
Condition Mint ! Basket's bottom is pristine as well.
Provenance B Nib
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