Phoenix, AZ | 602-906-1633

 Celebrating Our 26th Year 

Marked Down Art

Storyteller with Five Children, One Wearing a Nike Cap, Pottery by Virginia Lucero

Virginia Lucero

Marked Down $245

Gallery Price $400

Redwall Morning, Paintings by Merrill Mahaffey

Merrill Mahaffey

Marked Down $750

Gallery Price $1,400

Perky Horny Toad Wedding Vase , Pottery by Betty Manygoats

Betty Manygoats

Marked Down $125

Gallery Price $250

Long Braids, Sculpture by Alvin Marshall

Alvin Marshall

Marked Down $285

Gallery Price $575

Polished Blackware Bowl, Pottery by Corn Martinez

Corn Martinez

Marked Down $75

Gallery Price $150

Santa Clara Blackware Animal, Pottery by Beverly Martinez

Beverly Martinez

Marked Down $65

Gallery Price $105


Circus Today, Prints by Mark McDowell

Mark McDowell

Marked Down $50

Gallery Price $100

Chon Man I Case Otos, Prints by  McKenney Hall

McKenney Hall

Marked Down $200

Gallery Price $800


Deer Dancers Back and Side View on a Jar, Pottery by Marcellus and Elizabeth  Medina

Marcellus and Elizabeth Medina

Marked Down $685

Gallery Price $950

Buffalo Dancers, Paintings by Rafael Medina

Rafael Medina

Marked Down $2,100

Gallery Price $4,800

Water Maiden, Paintings by Marcellus Medina

Marcellus Medina

Marked Down $800

Gallery Price $950

Clown with Pottery, Paintings by Marcellus Medina

Marcellus Medina

Marked Down $1,400

Gallery Price $1,800

Silver & Gold Boot Cuff Links, Jewelry by  Mexican, unknown artisan

Mexican, unknown artisan

Marked Down $245

Gallery Price $325

American Interior I:  Family Reunion, Prints by Peter Milton

Peter Milton

Marked Down $5,000

Gallery Price $10,000

Flying Lake #4, Wood by Bruce Mitchell

Bruce Mitchell

Marked Down $4,800

Gallery Price $7,500

Rain Gods, Paintings by Robert B. Montoya

Robert Montoya

Marked Down $450

Gallery Price $600

Multi-Faceted Woman, Paintings by Mary Morez

Mary Morez

Marked Down $785

Gallery Price $1,250

Mountain Sheep Dancers, Paintings by Raymond Naha

Raymond Naha

Marked Down $2,200

Gallery Price $4,000

Mudheads and Bearded Kachinas in Motion, Paintings by Raymond Naha

Raymond Naha

Marked Down $1,000

Gallery Price $2,500

Ceremonial Night, Prints by Dan Namingha

Dan Namingha

Marked Down $1,200

Gallery Price $3,200


Tan Polychrome Wedding Vase with Eagle Dancer, Pottery by Carla Nampeyo

Carla Nampeyo

Marked Down $525

Gallery Price $750

12.5 Inch Diameter Migration Pattern Jar, Pottery by Clinton Nampeyo

Clinton Nampeyo

Marked Down $600

Gallery Price $950


Dancing for the Rain Gods, Paintings by Michelle Tsosie Naranjo

Michelle Tsosie Naranjo

Marked Down $485

Gallery Price $750

Maiden Masks, Prints by Michelle Tsosie Naranjo

Michelle Tsosie Naranjo

Marked Down $485

Gallery Price $750

Carved Stylized Feathers with Right Triangles Polished Blackware Jar, Pottery by Jennifer Naranjo

Jennifer Naranjo

Marked Down $200

Gallery Price $350

Untitled #2, Paintings by Michelle Tsosie Naranjo

Michelle Tsosie Naranjo

Marked Down $350

Gallery Price $600

Mini Polished and Painted Wedding Jar, Pottery by M & J Naranjo

M & J Naranjo

Marked Down $60

Gallery Price $95

Shades of Mauve Horse & Rider, Paintings by Michelle Tsosie Naranjo

Michelle Tsosie Naranjo

Marked Down $1,500

Gallery Price $2,500

Abstract Masks, Paintings by Michelle Tsosie Naranjo

Michelle Tsosie Naranjo

Marked Down $350

Gallery Price $600

Tufa Stone Cast Silver Warrior Pendant, Jewelry by  Navajo


Marked Down $175

Gallery Price $275

Turn of Century Row Bracelet, Jewelry by  Navajo


Marked Down $2,200

Gallery Price $2,800

Dramatic Jet & Silver Cuff, Jewelry by  Navajo


Marked Down $175

Gallery Price $300

Agate and Silver Moth Pin, Jewelry by  Navajo


Marked Down $400

Gallery Price $550

Five Strands of Natural Orange Red Coral, Jewelry by  Navajo


Marked Down $965

Gallery Price $1,500

Massive Turquoise & Silver Cuff, Jewelry by  Navajo


Marked Down $3,100

Gallery Price $4,500

Fox Mine Turquoise Single Stone and Sterling Silver Cuff Bracelet, Jewelry by  Navajo


Marked Down $210

Gallery Price $285

Stunning Turquoise Ring with Rich Matrix, Jewelry by  Navajo


Marked Down $285

Gallery Price $425

Green 7 Stone Royston Bracelet, Jewelry by  Navajo


Marked Down $425

Gallery Price $550

Sterling Silver Naja with One Turquoise on Large Bead Necklace, Jewelry by  Navajo


Marked Down $700

Gallery Price $950

Silver and Turquoise Petite Frog Earrings, Jewelry by  Navajo


Marked Down $125

Gallery Price $200