Phoenix, AZ | 602-906-1633

 Celebrating Our 26th Year 

Pottery Art

Amazing Black on Red Cookie Jar, Pottery by Sadie Adams

Sadie Adams

Savvy Price $1,250

Gallery Price $1,500

16" Diameter Deep Purple Bowl with Electric Red Center, Pottery by Artist Unknown

Illegible Artist

Marked Down $150

Gallery Price $250

14" Purple Glazed Stoneware Plate, Pottery by Artist Unknown

Illegible Artist

Marked Down $120

Gallery Price $200

Tapering Stoneware Vessel, Pottery by Artist Unknown

Illegible Artist

Marked Down $160

Gallery Price $300


Tall Necked Jar, Pottery by Nick Bernard

Nick Bernard

Savvy Price $110

Gallery Price $165

Globular Modernist Themed Jar, Pottery by Nick Bernard

Nick Bernard

Marked Down $250

Gallery Price $450

Spherical Orange Statement in Clay, Pottery by Nick Bernard

Nick Bernard

Savvy Price $285

Gallery Price $350

Polished and Carved Buff Bowl with Avanyu Design, Pottery by  Blue Corn

Blue Corn

Savvy Price $2,800

Gallery Price $3,400

Stylized Feather Design on Blackware Bowl, Pottery by  Blue Corn

Blue Corn

Savvy Price $285

Gallery Price $400

Double Spouted Blackware Jar with Braided Handle, Pottery by Florence Browning

Florence Browning

Savvy Price $900

Gallery Price $1,250

Storyteller with Eleven Children, Pottery by Anita  Cajero

Anita Cajero

Marked Down $285

Gallery Price $450

Richly Carved Polished Blackwware Bowl, Pottery by Stella  Chavarria

Stella Chavarria

Savvy Price $265

Gallery Price $350

Tall Butterfly Decorated Pottery Vase, Pottery by Emil Chino

Emil Chino

Savvy Price $650

Gallery Price $785

Large Polychrome Quail Jar, Pottery by Emil Chino

Emil Chino

Savvy Price $1,900

Gallery Price $2,500

Flower Pattern Vase, Pottery by Emil Chino

Emil Chino

Savvy Price $650

Gallery Price $750

Small Polychrome Jar with Turtle Designs, Pottery by Emil Chino

Emil Chino

Savvy Price $75

Gallery Price $110

Turtle Storyteller with Bear Hide, Sculpture by Randall Chitto

Randall Chitto

Savvy Price $985

Gallery Price $1,200

Square Mouthed Jar with Tapering Neck, Pottery by Alice Cling

Alice Cling

Savvy Price $125

Gallery Price $175

Tiny Storyteller with Three Children, Pottery by Antoinette  Concha

Antoinette Concha

Marked Down $28

Gallery Price $55

Seductive Black on Black Pottery Vessel, Pottery by Carmelita Dunlap

Carmelita Dunlap

Marked Down $1,600

Gallery Price $5,500

Magnificent Tall Polished and Painted Pottery Jar, Pottery by Carmelita Dunlap

Carmelita Dunlap

Savvy Price $2,800

Gallery Price $3,600

Immaculate Tanware Turtle with Inset Coral Cabochon, Pottery by Glendora Fragua Daubs

Glendora Fragua Daubs

Savvy Price $175

Gallery Price $225


Polished Redware Jar with Intricate Sgraffito, Pottery by  Goldenrod


Savvy Price $385

Gallery Price $450

Polished Blackware Jar with Butterfly Design + Turquoise, Pottery by  Goldenrod


Savvy Price $225

Gallery Price $275

Polished Black Carved Pottery Jar Lamp, Pottery by Rose Gonzales

Rose Gonzales

Marked Down $1,200

Gallery Price $2,500

Tall Neck Jar Two Tone Avanyu Design, Pottery by Barbara Gonzales

Barbara Gonzales

Savvy Price $550

Gallery Price $750

Spider Seed Jar, Pottery by Barbara Gonzales

Barbara Gonzales

Savvy Price $350

Gallery Price $500

Proud Raku Pig !, Pottery by  Stefi

Stefi Gruenberg

Marked Down $120

Gallery Price $225

Polychrome Water Serpent Design Against Tan Slip, Pottery by Lela & Luther Gutierrez

Lela & Luther Gutierrez

Marked Down $1,100

Gallery Price $3,500

Fine Line and Corrugated Jar, Pottery by Eva Histia

Eva Histia

Marked Down $300

Gallery Price $750

Polychrome Parrot Pottery Olla, Pottery by Eva Histia

Eva Histia

Savvy Price $700

Gallery Price $850

Polychrome Shallow Pottery Bowl, Pottery by Tewa Hopi -

Tewa Hopi -

Savvy Price $750

Gallery Price $900

Unique Two-Sided Clay Pendant, Jewelry by Tewa Hopi -

Tewa Hopi -

Savvy Price $185

Gallery Price $250

Pottery Pendant, Pottery by Tewa Hopi -

Tewa Hopi -

Savvy Price $150

Gallery Price $200

Clay Pendant #5, Pottery by Tewa Hopi -

Tewa Hopi -

Savvy Price $115

Gallery Price $145

Polychrome Heartline Pottery Olla, Pottery by Mae Hustito

Mae Hustito

Savvy Price $850

Gallery Price $1,200

Micaceous Bowl with Single Handle and Scalloped Rim, Pottery by  Illegible


Savvy Price $75

Gallery Price $110

Tall Necked Jar with Triangular Decoration, Pottery by Barbara Johnson

Barbara Johnson

Savvy Price $165

Gallery Price $225

Magnificent with Stove Top Lidded Vessel, Pottery by Karen  Karnes

Karen Karnes

Marked Down $4,000

Gallery Price $6,500

Tadpole Lip Polychrome Hopi Bowl, Pottery by Emily Koma

Emily Koma

Savvy Price $135

Gallery Price $175

Lion, Pottery by Lisa Larson

Lisa Larson

Savvy Price $2,600

Gallery Price $4,000

Tall Cylindrical Raku Jar, Pottery by Scott Lindberg

Scott Lindberg

Marked Down $100

Gallery Price $185

Birds Birds Birds, Pottery by Joseph Lonewolf

Joseph Lonewolf

Savvy Price $985

Gallery Price $1,200

Storyteller with Two Children, One Soccer Ball, Pottery by Diane Lucero

Diane Lucero

Marked Down $65

Gallery Price $90

Storyteller with Five Children, One Wearing a Nike Cap, Pottery by Virginia Lucero

Virginia Lucero

Marked Down $245

Gallery Price $400

Perky Horny Toad Wedding Vase , Pottery by Betty Manygoats

Betty Manygoats

Marked Down $125

Gallery Price $250

Horny Toad/ Rain Cloud Double Spouted Jar, Pottery by Betty Manygoats

Betty Manygoats

Savvy Price $100

Gallery Price $135

Polished Blackware Bowl, Pottery by Corn Martinez

Corn Martinez

Marked Down $75

Gallery Price $150

Santa Clara Blackware Animal, Pottery by Beverly Martinez

Beverly Martinez

Marked Down $65

Gallery Price $105


Redware Tall Necked Jar Incised Feather Designs, Pottery by Adelphia Martinez

Adelphia Martinez

Savvy Price $1,200

Gallery Price $1,600

Polished Blackware Jar with Black-Slipped Bird Wing Design, Pottery by Santana & Adam Martinez

Santana & Adam Martinez

Savvy Price $450

Gallery Price $525

Polished & Painted Blackware Jar , Pottery by Marie & Julian Martinez

Marie & Julian Martinez

Savvy Price $2,800

Gallery Price $3,200

Polished & Painted Blackware Jar Stylized Wing, Pottery by Marie & Julian Martinez

Marie & Julian Martinez

Savvy Price $1,200

Gallery Price $1,500

Honest Mata Ortiz Blackware Jar, Pottery by Artist Unknown

Mata Ortiz

Savvy Price $50

Gallery Price $75

Polychrome Mata Ortiz Jar , Pottery by  Mata Ortiz

Mata Ortiz

Savvy Price $65

Gallery Price $85

Deer Dancers Back and Side View on a Jar, Pottery by Marcellus and Elizabeth  Medina

Marcellus and Elizabeth Medina

Marked Down $685

Gallery Price $950

Zia Polychrome Pottery Olla, Pottery by Sofia Medina

Sofia Medina

Savvy Price $600

Gallery Price $750

Double Spouted Black on Red Jar with Spiral Eyes, Pottery by Grace  Monahan

Grace Monahan

Savvy Price $275

Gallery Price $325

Tan Polychrome Wedding Vase with Eagle Dancer, Pottery by Carla Nampeyo

Carla Nampeyo

Marked Down $525

Gallery Price $750

12.5 Inch Diameter Migration Pattern Jar, Pottery by Clinton Nampeyo

Clinton Nampeyo

Marked Down $600

Gallery Price $950


Egg-Shaped Scene Featuring Dancer and Sun Face Near Adobe Buildings, Pottery by Carla Nampeyo

Carla Nampeyo

Savvy Price $185

Gallery Price $225

Polished Brown Round Pottery with Sunface Sgraffito Design, Pottery by Carla Nampeyo

Carla Nampeyo

Savvy Price $155

Gallery Price $200

Carved Stylized Feathers with Right Triangles Polished Blackware Jar, Pottery by Jennifer Naranjo

Jennifer Naranjo

Marked Down $200

Gallery Price $350

Mini Polished and Painted Wedding Jar, Pottery by M & J Naranjo

M & J Naranjo

Marked Down $60

Gallery Price $95

Spherical Polychrome Redware  Pottery Jar, Pottery by Nicolassa Naranjo

Nicolassa Naranjo

Savvy Price $750

Gallery Price $850

Substantial Carved Blackware Jar, Pottery by Flora Naranjo

Flora Naranjo

Savvy Price $585

Gallery Price $650

Magnificent Square Mouthed Polychrome Jar, Pottery by Marianne Navasie

Marianne Navasie

Marked Down $800

Gallery Price $1,600

Frogwoman Double Spouted Jar, Pottery by Joy Navasie

Joy Navasie

Savvy Price $700

Gallery Price $800

Wall Hung Slab Sculpture, Pottery by Jeanne Otis

Jeanne Otis

Marked Down $375

Gallery Price $550

Striking Raku-fired 26" Stoneware Charger , Pottery by Alvin Pace

Alvin Pace

Savvy Price $1,000

Gallery Price $1,250

Polychrome Lizard Jar, Pottery by Priscilla Peynetsa

Priscilla Peynetsa

Savvy Price $385

Gallery Price $500

Three Lizard Jar, Pottery by Priscilla Peynetsa

Priscilla Peynetsa

Savvy Price $300

Gallery Price $400

Dark Brown on Tan Jar with Flared Rim, Pottery by Evelyn Poolheco

Evelyn Poolheco

Savvy Price $85

Gallery Price $125

Square Mouthed Bowl, Black on Red, Pottery by Evelyn Poolheco

Evelyn Poolheco

Savvy Price $45

Gallery Price $65

Stoneware Tea Bag Caddies, Pottery by Michael  Prepsky

Michael Prepsky

Savvy Price $6

Gallery Price $8

Polished Redware Melon Jar with 16 Ribs, Pottery by Toni Roller

Toni Roller

Savvy Price $750

Gallery Price $850

Black Polished Carved Jar, Pottery by Deborah Morning Star Roller

Deborah Morning Star Roller

Savvy Price $225

Gallery Price $285

Ceremonial Yei Dancers' Procession on Graceful Tan Jar, Pottery by Ida Sahmie

Ida Sahmie

Marked Down $1,500

Gallery Price $4,500

Dynamic Feather Design Polychrome Seed Jar, Pottery by R. Sandia

R. Sandia

Savvy Price $85

Gallery Price $125

Polychrome Pottery Bowl with Lug Handles, Pottery by   Santo Domingo

Santo Domingo

Marked Down $35

Gallery Price $85

Large Glazed Bowl with Ring of Faces, Pottery by Edwin Scheier

Edwin Scheier

Marked Down $4,000

Gallery Price $6,000

Lobed Ceramic Jar, Pottery by Steven Schrepferman

Steven Schrepferman

Marked Down $450

Gallery Price $850

Graceful Polychrome Pottery Jar, Pottery by Eusebia Shije

Eusebia Shije

Savvy Price $450

Gallery Price $525

Corrugated Jar with Decorative Handles, Pottery by Stella  Shutiva

Stella Shutiva

Savvy Price $350

Gallery Price $450

Tall Necked Corrugated Pottery Jar with Handles, Pottery by Jackie Shutiva Histia

Jackie Shutiva Histia

Marked Down $300

Gallery Price $450

Globular Whiteware Vessel Featuring Heartline Bear Fetish, Pottery by Jackie Shutiva Histia

Jackie Shutiva Histia

Savvy Price $365

Gallery Price $450

Expressive Slab Vase with Spontaneous Color, Pottery by Paul Soldner

Paul Soldner

Marked Down $1,685

Gallery Price $2,800

Rainbow Mask, Pottery by Verna  Solomon

Verna Solomon

Marked Down $350

Gallery Price $485

Outlined, Carved, Polished Blackware Jar with Stepped Designs, Pottery by Marie Suazo

Marie Suazo

Marked Down $245

Gallery Price $400

Paneled Bowl Featuring Kachinas, Pottery by Tom Tapia

Tom Tapia

Marked Down $700

Gallery Price $1,800

Tohono O'odham Large Pottery Jar Floral Designs, Pottery by Artist Unknown

Tohono O'Odham

Savvy Price $600

Gallery Price $750

Tohono O'odham Large Pottery Jar Geometric Designs, Pottery by Artist Unknown

Tohono O'Odham

Savvy Price $600

Gallery Price $750

Black on Red Pottery Cup, Pottery by  Tohono O'Odham

Tohono O'Odham

Savvy Price $185

Gallery Price $250

Striking Bowl with Mimbres Design Interior, Pottery by Verda Toledo

Verda Toledo

Savvy Price $200

Gallery Price $300

Marvelous Miniature Storyteller Holding One Baby , Pottery by Mary Trujillo

Mary Trujillo

Savvy Price $45

Gallery Price $75


Mohave or Mojave Jar with Frog Effigy, Pottery by Artist Unknown

Artist Unknown

Savvy Price $275

Gallery Price $350

Two Tone Stoneware Large Plate, Pottery by Artist Unknown

Artist Unknown

Marked Down $95

Gallery Price $175

San Ildefonso Polished & Painted Blackware Bowl with Handles, Pottery by Artist Unknown

Artist Unknown

Savvy Price $185

Gallery Price $250


Zia Pottery Buttons, Pottery by Artist Unknown

Artist Unknown

Savvy Price $485

Gallery Price $600

Two Zia Pottery Buttons, Pottery by Artist Unknown

Artist Unknown

Savvy Price $485

Gallery Price $600

Polychrome Acoma Jar , Pottery by Artist Unknown

Artist Unknown

Savvy Price $175

Gallery Price $225

Polished Spherical Blackware Jar, Pottery by Minnie Vigil

Minnie Vigil

Savvy Price $200

Gallery Price $300

Polychrome Redware Jar, Pottery by Minnie Vigil

Minnie Vigil

Savvy Price $225

Gallery Price $285

Saturn-Like White Stoneware Vessel, Pottery by  Wagner


Marked Down $120

Gallery Price $225

Arresting Grey Pottery Seed Jar with Sgraffito Design, Pottery by Wallace Youvella Jr.

Wallace Youvella Jr.

Savvy Price $325

Gallery Price $400