Phoenix, AZ | 602-906-1633

 Celebrating Our 26th Year 

Odd But Great Art

Stamped Sterling Baby Cup Whirlwind Designs, Metal by Jeffrey Castillo

Jeffrey Castillo

Savvy Price $165

Gallery Price $250

Don Gaspar de Portola Returning Dejected from San Francisco - 1769, Textiles by Ettore (Ted) De Grazia

Ettore (Ted) De Grazia

Marked Down $2,000

Gallery Price $3,200

Original Case in Wood 'Regentag--Look At It On a Rainy Day', Odd but Great by Friedensreich Hundertwasser

Friedensreich Hundertwasser

Savvy Price $400

Gallery Price $550

The Birth (Flip Book), Odd but Great by Suzanne Klotz

Suzanne Klotz

Savvy Price $150

Gallery Price $250

Wizard , Paintings by Alice Maney

Alice Maney

Savvy Price $100

Gallery Price $150

Reclining Spotted Cat Plate, Odd but Great by Edgar Miller

Edgar Miller

Savvy Price $1,200

Gallery Price $1,500

Triumph of Woman (the crucified bird), Prints by Moredecai Moreh

Moredecai Moreh

Savvy Price $100

Gallery Price $250

Mini Vintage Navajo Sterling Silver Yo Yo, Odd but Great by  Navajo


Savvy Price $325

Gallery Price $375

Sterling Silver Pill Box with Blue Gem Turquoise, Odd but Great by  Navajo


Savvy Price $325

Gallery Price $395

Bear with Seven Pointed Star on Sandstone, Paintings by David Chethlahe Paladin

David Chethlahe Paladin

Savvy Price $375

Gallery Price $450

Abstract Fox with Seven-Pointed Star, Paintings by David Chethlahe Paladin

David Chethlahe Paladin

Savvy Price $750

Gallery Price $900

Rocky Divided Face Bookends, Metal by Artist Unknown

Artist Unknown

Marked Down $60

Gallery Price $125

Vorshrift with Tulips & Blue & Yellow Pinwheel, Drawings by Artist Unknown

Artist Unknown

Marked Down $400

Gallery Price $800

Stone Mano, Grinding Stone, Odd but Great by Artist Unknown

Artist Unknown

Savvy Price $125

Gallery Price $175