Ingot sterling, mill rolled into sheet and drawn into wire, was used in fabaricaiton of the cuff shank and Rainbow God form. Silver was also cut and smelted to form decorative "raindrops" along the curve of his back as well as on either side of his ceremonial "skirt".
Inlay materials consist of high grade, natural blue turquoise, jet, a red orange abalone shell and white oyster pearl shell. The inlay is glued together, creating the desired pattern precisely fitting one of eight serrated bezeled forms creating the overall handsome figure. The inlay is only set after the Rainbow God is soldered to the triple wire shank.
This cuff is supported on either side of the Deity, by a decorative of silver, marquise in shape, with a deep repousse center framed by two crescent "rope twist" stamps. A single bar gathers and terminates the three wire shank into a graceful taper at each end.
The best book to explain the steps in creating Zuni cluster jewelry is Oscar Branson's Indian Jewelry Making. Volume II. Look at page 48 illustrating each step to create a cluster bracelet.