The silver used in fabricating this exquisite miniature, was entirely mill rolled and hand drawn from ingot. Sheet and wire, as well as the hand-stamped silver "raindrops", were all "made from scratch".
There are silver drops along the curved back and "skirt" sides of the form. There are even stamped drops terminating each of six bands, three to each side of the Rainbow God, where he is soldered to this split shank.
After all fabrication the inlay is set. There are eight (8) serrated bezel shapes. Natural deep blue turquoise, black jet, red abalone shell and white pearl shell are precisely cut and fit together in a pre-determined pattern, then glued so they can be bezel set, each group as one stone.
The best book to explain the steps in creating Zuni cluster jewelry is Oscar Branson's Indian Jewelry Making. Volume II. Look at page 48 illustrating each step to create a cluster bracelet.