Phoenix, AZ | 602-906-1633

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Sumptuous Bulawayo Basket


About The Sumptuous Bulawayo Basket

Very often these organic in reality and appearance woven baskets are akin to the shape of gourds.

Sale of this Bulawayo basket benefits a non-profit assisting students in South Africa and Zimbabwe,

Savvy Price $285.00

Gallery Price $325.00

Item Location: Phoenix, AZ
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Product Details

Very often these organic in reality and appearance woven baskets are akin to the shape of gourds.

Sale of this Bulawayo basket benefits a non-profit assisting students in South Africa and Zimbabwe,

About the Artist Zimbabwe is a landlocked country in southern Africa known for its dramatic landscape and diverse wildlife, much of it within parks, reserves and safari areas.
Culture African & African American
Medium Natural plant fiber (no color added), llala palm tree
Size 18 1/2" height X 22" maximum diameter. Smallest diameter at opening is 2 3/4"
Date of creation 2018
Condition Perfect !
Provenance AG
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