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Polychrome Spherical Redware Jar

Minnie Vigil

About Minnie Vigil

(1931-2024) Maria D. Vigil, an artist with Santa Clara and Pojoaque lineage active making pottery since 1955, came from a family of potters. "Minnie" won awards at Indian Market in Santa Fe as early as 1975.

Her favorite designs were rain clouds, rainbows, sky bands, clouds and bear paws. Her polished red globular forms are often decorated with these multi-colored painted designs.

Her work has been illustrated in nearly every book describing Santa Clara potters.  In 1985 her pottery was exhibited in New York City at the Sid Deutsch Gallery along with pottery by Margaret Tafoya.

Savvy Price $225.00

Gallery Price $285.00

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About the Artist

(1931-2024) Maria D. Vigil, an artist with Santa Clara and Pojoaque lineage active making pottery since 1955, came from a family of potters. "Minnie" won awards at Indian Market in Santa Fe as early as 1975.

Her favorite designs were rain clouds, rainbows, sky bands, clouds and bear paws. Her polished red globular forms are often decorated with these multi-colored painted designs.

Her work has been illustrated in nearly every book describing Santa Clara potters.  In 1985 her pottery was exhibited in New York City at the Sid Deutsch Gallery along with pottery by Margaret Tafoya.

Culture American Indian, Women Artists
Medium Coiled painted and polished redware pottery
Size 2 3/8" height X 3" maximum diameter
Signed "Minnie Santa Clara" painted underneath
Date of creation Circa 1980
Condition Excellent
Provenance Rod Ha
Other Works by Minnie Vigil
Polished Spherical Blackware Jar, Pottery by Minnie Vigil
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