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 Celebrating Our 26th Year 

Pronghorn Antelope Dancer

Virgil Vigil

About The Pronghorn Antelope Dancer

Vigil's paintings render in painstaking detail all aspects of the dancer's costume.

Savvy Price $200.00

Gallery Price $285.00

Item Location: Phoenix, AZ
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Product Details

Vigil's paintings render in painstaking detail all aspects of the dancer's costume.

About the Artist Virgil Vigil is a 20th-21st century Tesuque painter who has won awards for his admirable miniature paintings at prestigious Indian markets.
Culture American Indian
Style Nostalgic American Indian
Medium Waterbased pigment on white paper
Sight size 11 1/2" height X 8" width
Signed "Virgil Vigl 2012 ©" at viewer's lower right
Date of creation 2012
Condition Excellent, as appeared matted. Window mat is PH balanced.
Provenance B Nib, acquired from New Millenium Fine Art in Santa Fe, NM
Mat size 15 1/2" height X 12" width
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