Naja and 12 squash blossoms alternate with hand-crafted sterling silver beads. Outer edges of the naja are enhanced with small silver balls, as are the petals of the squash blossoms. Twisted wire serves to separate the rows of stones, set in saw-tooth bezels.
Diversity personified in wide array of turquoise stones ranging from green to robin's egg to deep teal in color.
The best book to explain the steps in creating Zuni cluster jewelry is Oscar Branson's Indian Jewelry Making, Volume II. Look at pages 48 and 49. The text goes so far as to explain why so many Zuni jewelry items use a serrated bezel. When stones being set are extremely small, the serrated bezel is a better mechanism for holding these stones firmly than the straight or smooth bezel.
The best book to explain the steps in creating Zuni cluster jewelry is Oscar Branson's Indian Jewelry Making. Volume II. Look at page 48 illustrating each step to create a cluster bracelet.