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Hunter with Rifle, Elephant and Victim

Fon Dahomey

About Fon Dahomey

"The Fon, also called Fon nu and Agadja, represent Benin's largest ethnic group; they mainly live in the South of the country, but also in some neighboring states such as Nigeria and Togo.

The Fon people speak the homonymous language Fon, that is part of the Niger-Congo language group.

The Fon are famous for their history, in the past they founded the Kingdom of Dahomey, that became a great force in the area and played an active role in the Atlantic slave trade; under the leadership of King Dahomey, the army carried out incursions to neighboring populations, kidnapped men and women and then exchanged them with Europeans in arms and goods.

The Dahomey was also famous for his Amazons; the kingdom had in fact a entirely  female military regiment, famous for its ferocity and tenacity.

They were called "Amazons" by Western observers and historians because of their resemblance to the legendary Amazons described by the ancient Greeks.

Most of the Fon population today lives in villages and small towns, in mud houses with corrugated iron roofs; the main cities inhabited by the Fon are Abomey, the historic capital of the Kingdom of Dahomey, and Ouidah on the Coast of the Slave."  taken from the website

Savvy Price $450.00

Gallery Price $750.00

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About the Artist

"The Fon, also called Fon nu and Agadja, represent Benin's largest ethnic group; they mainly live in the South of the country, but also in some neighboring states such as Nigeria and Togo.

The Fon people speak the homonymous language Fon, that is part of the Niger-Congo language group.

The Fon are famous for their history, in the past they founded the Kingdom of Dahomey, that became a great force in the area and played an active role in the Atlantic slave trade; under the leadership of King Dahomey, the army carried out incursions to neighboring populations, kidnapped men and women and then exchanged them with Europeans in arms and goods.

The Dahomey was also famous for his Amazons; the kingdom had in fact a entirely  female military regiment, famous for its ferocity and tenacity.

They were called "Amazons" by Western observers and historians because of their resemblance to the legendary Amazons described by the ancient Greeks.

Most of the Fon population today lives in villages and small towns, in mud houses with corrugated iron roofs; the main cities inhabited by the Fon are Abomey, the historic capital of the Kingdom of Dahomey, and Ouidah on the Coast of the Slave."  taken from the website

Culture African & African American
Medium Brass (sculpture), wood (base)
Size 4" height X 11" length (sculpture), 1 3/4" height X 11" length X 5 3/8" width (wood base)
Date of creation Circa mid 20th century
Condition Excellent
Provenance Br Ha
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