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Vintage Lidded Labrador Oval Basket

Yup'ik Eskimo

About The Vintage Lidded Labrador Oval Basket

Hold this basket upside down and its lid will not come off.  

Its lid is marvelously fitted.

Marked Down $450.00

Gallery Price $750.00

Item Location: Phoenix, AZ
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Product Details

Hold this basket upside down and its lid will not come off.  

Its lid is marvelously fitted.

About the Artist
"The Yup'ik are a group of indigenous or aboriginal peoples of western, southwestern and south central Alaska and the Russian Far East.  They are Eskimo and are related to the Inuit and Inupiat peoples.  Yupik peoples are:  Alutiiq or Sugpiaq of the Alaskan Peninsula; Central Alaskan Yup'ik of the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta, the Kuskokwim River and along the northern coast of Bristol Bay and the northern Alaska Peninsula and Silberian Yupik.

As of 2001 there were approximately 24,000 Yup'ik people, most of these residing in Alaska.

Yup'ik comes from the word yuk meaning "person".  Pik means "real" or "genuine".  Together they translate to "real people".  taken from Wikipedia


Culture Eskimo
Medium Bundle foundation-coiled using wild grass with red and black yarn
Size 7" height (excluding handle) X 10" length X 8" width
Coil count 5 coils per inch
Stitch count 16 stitches per inch
Date of creation Circa 1920
Condition Good, not excellent as braided handle is not attached on one side. Mild wear on bottom with three missing stitches. Faint surface dust accumulation.
Provenance An Bu
Other Works by Yup'ik Eskimo
Hooper Bay Alaskan Lidded Basket, Baskets by  Yup'ik Eskimo Yup'ik Basketry Bowl with Chevon Banding, Baskets by  Yup'ik Eskimo
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