Phoenix, AZ | 602-906-1633

 Celebrating Our 26th Year 

American Indian Sculpture

Large Eagle Table Fetish, Fetish by Andy Abeita

Andy Abeita

Savvy Price $450

Gallery Price $600

Storyteller with Eleven Children, Pottery by Anita  Cajero

Anita Cajero

Marked Down $285

Gallery Price $450

Turtle Storyteller with Bear Hide, Sculpture by Randall Chitto

Randall Chitto

Savvy Price $985

Gallery Price $1,200

Tiny Storyteller with Three Children, Pottery by Antoinette  Concha

Antoinette Concha

Marked Down $28

Gallery Price $55

Rainbow Rain #2, Sculpture by Edna Davis Jackson

Edna Davis Jackson

Savvy Price $2,800

Gallery Price $3,500

Handsome White Fish Table Fetish , Fetish by Theodore  Kucate

Theodore Kucate

Savvy Price $3,600

Gallery Price $4,800

Storyteller with Two Children, One Soccer Ball, Pottery by Diane Lucero

Diane Lucero

Marked Down $65

Gallery Price $90

Storyteller with Five Children, One Wearing a Nike Cap, Pottery by Virginia Lucero

Virginia Lucero

Marked Down $245

Gallery Price $400

Long Braids, Sculpture by Alvin Marshall

Alvin Marshall

Marked Down $285

Gallery Price $575

Santa Clara Blackware Animal, Pottery by Beverly Martinez

Beverly Martinez

Marked Down $65

Gallery Price $105


Kingcone Inlet Frog, Sculpture by Gino Seward

Gino Seward

Marked Down $120

Gallery Price $250

Tabletop Owl Fetish of Alabaster with Turquoise Eyes, Sculpture by Aaron & Thelma Sheche

Aaron & Thelma Sheche

Marked Down $475

Gallery Price $750

Marvelous Miniature Storyteller Holding One Baby , Pottery by Mary Trujillo

Mary Trujillo

Savvy Price $45

Gallery Price $75


#3 Hand-carved Wooden Indian Head , Sculpture by Cecil Wakefield

Cecil Wakefield

Savvy Price $1,200

Gallery Price $1,500

#4 Hand-Carved Wooden Indian Head, Sculpture by Cecil Wakefield

Cecil Wakefield

Savvy Price $1,350

Gallery Price $1,650

Portrait of Citizen Wearing Green Velvet, Sculpture by Cecil Wakefield

Cecil Wakefield

Savvy Price $1,350

Gallery Price $1,650

Portrait Bust with Braided Hair, Sculpture by Cecil Wakefield

Cecil Wakefield

Savvy Price $1,350

Gallery Price $1,650

Dolomite Eagle Fetish, Fetish by  Zuni


Marked Down $120

Gallery Price $225