Just returned from Santa Fe where I viewed two beautiful watercolors by Edward Hopper depicting New Mexican scenes at the Georgia O’Keefe Museum. Also experienced an instructive exhibit at the Wheelwright Museum titled The Native American Curio Trade in New Mexico. Fortunately the catalogue by Jonathan Batkin is so well executed, you can almost gain as much through his book. I still am in awe of the exhibit (I know this may sound kooky) Pulling Strings The Art and Marionettes of Gustav Baumann held through May 10, 2009 at the New Mexico Museum of Art. This creative genius was as facile with his three-dimensional creations as with his woodcut prints. Plus his scripting was enchanting and truly not limited in appeal to just children.
When visiting a new city, always check to see if there is one night when the museums and/ or galleries are open late. Santa Fe chooses Friday night, whereas other cities prefer different nights. Some municipalities, like Phoenix, choose the First Friday of the month whereupon galleries and some museums are open until 8 pm or later. In Scottsdale, galleries accommodate visitors between 7 pm and 9 pm on Thursday nights during the tourist season.
Corinne Cain of www.SavvyCollector.com