5-23 January 2024 Phillips New York 432 Park Avenue NYC

Oscar Howe Double Woman 1962
Examples by more than 60 artists working in a myriad of mediums from 1950 forward will be on display at this exhibition/ sale. Phillips’ show represents an opportunity to be exposed to a collecting niche, that is “on fire”. Miami Basel this year saw evidence of piqued interest in several of these artists: Kay WalkingStick, Jaune Quick-To-See Smith, Julie Buffalohead. In 2023 two art works by George Morrison each sold privately in excess of $1 million. Jeffrey Gibson was a featured artist at the Venice Biennale.
Expect to see paintings, sculpture, photography, jewelry, clay, video, a large-scale installation and weavings. January 2024 will assist in helping you to catch up with the current blitz to emphasize diversity art collecting.

Cara Romero Water Memory, 2015 (photograph)
Corinne Cain of SavvyCollector.com