When asked about American Indian potters whose work is attracting the interest of younger collectors, those in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s, Charles King volunteered
- Virgil Ortiz
- Susan Folwell
- Jason Garcia
Each of these artists offers vanguard imagery that easily grabs the attention of all who gaze in their direction. Each artist was trained to fashion clay by family or pueblo members. Each elected to go beyond traditional forms with their pottery statements.
When asked the question, what potters perhaps have been somewhat overlooked in more traditional pottery wares, Charles named:
- Rose Gonzales
- Belen Tapia
- LuAnn Tafoya
Their execution and originality was/ is no less remarkable than the topmost names and yet their prices are more modest by comparison.
Charles can easily comment on both the traditional makers, having authored Born of Fire The Life and Pottery of Margaret Tafoya. King was also credited as having been a critical force in Garth Clark’s development of Free Spirit The New Native American Potter, a book exposing the new wave of Native American pottery published in 2006.
For more than two decades Charles King has served as marketeer, friend and collector of these statements in clay produced by Native American artists. Visit his website at www.kinggalleries.com or in person when visiting Scottsdale, Arizona.
Corinne Cain of www.SavvyCollector.com