Larsen Art Auction finished before 1:30 pm today
Every lot did not sell.
Go to link for this auction’s results
Look for the “Lot passed” citation on different lots and IF there is something you want badly, call the gallery to arrange to purchase the artwork for the best price.
These lots had reserves (a minimum price agreed upon by consignor) below which the auction house could not sell the item without contacting the consignor. You can either attempt to pay the reserve or make an offer below the reserve.
Reminder, prices paid are typically increased by 20% (known as the buyer’s fee). Be sure if you are offering an amount, you know if the buyer’s fee is added to your offer increasing your out of pocket expense by 20%.
Remember too, if you are an Arizona resident, sales tax for Scottsdale, AZ (city + state) is 7.95%.
I have no financial tie to the Larsen Art Auction or to the Larsen Gallery. This blog addresses this auction because I attended their auction today. I was reminded that perhaps the public is not aware of “bought in” lots (passed lots).
These unsold artworks can represent an opportunity to purchase at extremely attractive prices plus often these transactions are not recorded on auction sale databases–an advantage appealing to dealers as well as private collectors.
Corinne Cain of