It is important to buy from dealers you trust, but why not develop some acumen of your own by attending this ISA sponsored seminar in Philadelphia this September ? It is $395 for both days. Registration closes Sept 15. 312 924-1832
Some Topics addressed:
- Authenticating American Furniture
- Online Auctions and Fake Art
- Case Law for Art Fakes
- Pueblo Pottery and the Market
- Chinese Export Porcelain Fakes
- Scientific Evidence for Marriages, Fakes and Forgeries in Fine and Decorative Arts
- Watches: Luxury or Lie
- Knoedler on Trial
With some effort, you can learn who to lean on for guidance in becoming a Savvy Collector, eventually becoming a confident, free-standing collector who knows when reliance on outside experts is imperative.
If you attend, I will see you there !
Corinne at