2 Brooklyn Museum Shows This Summer

June 18 – Sept 12  Andy Warhol  The Last Decade       Brooklyn Museum is the 1st US museum to examine the last 10 years of Warhol’s output represented by nearly 50 works. During this segment of his art production, Warhol became re-acquainted with hand painting. His collaborative efforts with Jean-Michel Basquiat, Francsco Clemente and Keither Haring helped to trigger traditional painting.

 Warhol also investigated abstraction.  The exhibition concludes with Warhol’s Warhol’s variations on da Vinci’s The Last Supper. Warhol_Self-Portrait_428-wide

Kiki Smith presents a unique, site-specific installation on the 4th Floor of the Brooklyn Museum.  Her focus is the cycle of life and issues of creative inspiration in relation to women artists. This is a feminist exploration, somewhat like a “self-examining chic flick” in an art exhibition format.

Kiki-Singer_428-wide         Watch the installation in process, thanks to Youtube !!

        Sojourn Exhibition stretches between February 12 – September 12, 2010

        Click on the link below to experience the artist in the act of creating this installation.  It is one

         thing to applaud the statement, another to witness the formation of the visual statement.


         Corinne Cain of SavvyCollector.com

         Sampling different art genres is a recipe for growth as an art appreciator . . .

         Also the beautiful gardens behind the Brooklyn Museum will help you gather inner peace and outward beauty, any day !!!

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