46 registrants absorbed one hour and 29 minutes of concrete information charged with personal color stories derived from my experiences with many of the artists such as Pop Chalee, Fritz Scholder, Harry Fonseca, Tonita Pena, Roxanne Swentzell, Rose Simpson, Ron Anderson, Charles Loloma, Andy van Tsinahjinnie, David Bradley, John Hoover, Allan Houser, Diane O’Leary, Hulleah Tsinahjinnie, Bob Haozous, Nora Naranjo-Morse, David Paladin.
The most encouraging comment came from a California art and antiques appraiser who expressed his new found desire to collect American Indian Fine Art, following this webinar.
Should anyone choose to have this webinar presented to a specific group, please feel free to contact meĀ 602 906 1633.
When you love and revere a type of art, it is thrilling to share your enthusiasm. Warning though, this reverence is contagious !!!
Corinne Cain, ASA
My only disappointment is that I Missed It !!!
Please let me know when you repeat this interesting topic.
Fran E.