Provenance defined more fully
Receipts for the original and subsequent sales going back to artwork’s creation, naming the dates of purchase, price, seller Catalogues from exhibitions in which artwork had been included naming dates […]
Receipts for the original and subsequent sales going back to artwork’s creation, naming the dates of purchase, price, seller Catalogues from exhibitions in which artwork had been included naming dates […]
Commanding , intimidating–this book leaves one guarded about who and what to believe, with respect to the history of ownership of any artwork one might purchase, especially if it […]
Close to 100 Hispanic artists have broadly ranging artworks, sculptures, paintings, drawings and prints on display at 147 East Adams in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. The 5400 square foot center […]
If you think it is tacky sending loved ones a list of what you like to receive for Christmas, Hanukah or your birthday, remember how fun it was trying to locate a […]
Subscribe to or to witness auction activity. Search auction activity by artist and then by medium, then observe dimensions. What you don’t see is the condition, which has […]
The sleeper exhibit at the Autry National Center in Burbank is a photographic expose of 54 movers and shakers, who have helped to shape Los Angeles over the […]
Hopped a plane, like a routine jet setter, to the Burbank Airport in Southern California. 6.7 miles from the airport is the Autry National Center situated in Griffith Park, […]
Selected from a pre-eminent collection of 14,000 baskets are 250 of the finest examples to be displayed 6 November 2009 – 30 May 30, 2010 at the Autry’s […]
Art Teacher/ Art Educator Artist Art Gallery Art Fair Art Collector Art Critic Art Curator Arts Commissions (by city, by state) Secondary Art Flow Chart Art Auction Houses Art Brokers […]
“Everyone discusses my art and pretends to undertstand, as if it were necessary to understand, when it is simply necessary to love. Claude Monet Paris, 1925 Found written on a […]