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 Celebrating Our 26th Year 

Artwork by Fritz White

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About the Artist

"Fritz was born January 14, 1930 in Milford, Ohio near Cincinnati. The little Miami River, which borders Cincinnati on the east, was a main thoroughfare north and south for the Shawnee tribes that were settled throughout Ohio. Artifacts of the Shawnee, Miami, Mingo and even mound builders were common to the area. From these artifacts, his interest in the Native American and their mythology was kindled. "As a kid, I used to think when I followed a path along the river that the Shawnee had been there only moments ago. Perhaps my need to do the "Indian" came from all the stories I heard and read growing up. That interest and feeling has grown dramatically with my research into the day-to-day life of the American Indian. The thrill comes from exploring one small facet of life after another. . . .We as observers, have barely begun to tell their story. We will never be able to tell the entire saga of the thousands of years of their civilization." Excerpted from via Trailside Galleries Mr. White has repeatedly won awards for the best sculptor when exhibiting with the Cowboy Artists of America. He imbues his figures with a greater sense of drama than many sculptors depicting characters taken from the Wild West.